Setting the Soundtrack for Guest Experiences

We're Tuning Up Something Exciting!

Vinylmnky is undergoing a transformation, and we are thrilled to share a sneak peek of what's coming. Our new website is on the horizon, designed to reflect our sharpened focus on bespoke music experiences tailored specifically for brands and hospitality businesses.

What's New?

As we evolve, so does our commitment to enhancing ambiance and elevating brand identity through thoughtful music programs. Our upcoming site will showcase our expanded range of services, designed to meet the unique needs of each venue we collaborate with—from boutique hotels to grand resorts.

Contact us

Let's talk music!

Thank You for Your Patience and Support

We appreciate your patience as we fine-tune our site to better serve you. Vinylmnky is excited to embark on this new journey with you, creating unforgettable musical experiences that resonate with guests and amplify your brand.

Partnership Spotlight


Texas Travel Awards

2024 Best Hotel | Big Market

The Otis Hotel in Austin, Texas, won the Best Hotel in a Big Market award from the Texas Travel Awards in 2024. A key factor in the win was its unique partnership with Vinylmnky, a vinyl record subscription service. This collaboration enriched the guest experience by offering curated vinyl records for in-room listening, creating a distinctive musical atmosphere that sets the hotel apart. This innovative approach was highlighted as a major influence in the hotel's appeal and success.

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