The Audio Guru

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The Audio Guru: How does color affect a record's quality?

The Audio Guru: How does color affect a record's quality?

Vinylmnky's latest service to our Tribe is partnering up with Barry Thornton, an Audio guru to answer all of your hardware, vinyl, and audio questions - further enlightening us on how your music li...

The Audio Guru: How to properly store your vinyl

The Audio Guru: How to properly store your vinyl

Vinylmnky's latest service to our Tribe is partnering up with Barry Thornton, an Audio guru to answer all of your hardware, vinyl, and audio questions - further enlightening us on how your music li...

The Audio Guru: Are reissuses better than originals?

The Audio Guru: Are reissuses better than originals?

Vinylmnky's latest service to our Tribe is partnering up with Barry Thornton, an Audio guru to answer all of your hardware, vinyl, and audio questions - further enlightening us on how your music li...